
I’m doing the thing. I’m sitting in the airport, getting ready to board a flight to Nashville. I’m facing my fears and doing this travel thing solo. As I mentioned in my previous post, my blog has become about coming back to life while still grieving the loss of Ariella. Though I have had a rough couple of months, generally I have found myself in a much better place overall and actually feeling happy. Though my emotions are still very much up-and-down, being a bereaved mother no longer completely defines me. It’s still very much a part of me and always will be. Ariella is always going to be with me. And sometimes the grief will be overpowering. Thankfully this immense grief is not as persistent as it once was and I find myself stepping out of my comfort zone to do things I wouldn’t have in the past in order to really begin living once again. One of those things is traveling alone.

When I got on the plane, when I landed, when I tried to figure out where the hell I was supposed to catch the Uber, when I had all this time ahead of me that I would have to fill by myself, I started to worry about what I had gotten myself into. But I didn’t waste any time and after checking into the hotel I immediately went out and explored the city. I had absolutely nothing to worry about. Nashville is vibrant and alive and you just can’t help but become immersed in the atmosphere. There is no shortage of places to pop into, all with live music, and that’s how I spent most of my time. In and out of various places, meeting tons of people, and dancing. So much dancing! It didn’t matter that I was by myself. Everyone was a friend. And I just felt so free and joyous and exhilarated.

I spent the weekend running (love exploring new places on foot), doing a few touristy things, and soaking up the sights and sounds of Nashville. I got a tattoo to commemorate the meaningful experience, my first time doing something like this. I had no actual plans and instead played it by ear, which is typically not at all like me. I mentioned in a previous post that the trip would either be incredible or a disaster. And incredible it was. This trip was about unapologetically living my best life and have zero regrets.

Take a risk. It just may change your life.