Collecting Signs

By now most of my readers know that I am quite skeptical when it comes to signs. But when your child dies you cling to any remote possibility that they are still around, can still hear you, and that you will one day be reunited. You desperately try to find some meaning and hope in a completely senseless situation. So I do keep my eyes open for signs. I collect signs like others collect coins or baseball cards. They give me a glimpse of hope, a little bit of light. I can look through them when I am feeling especially down. I frequently see the letter A, mostly in clouds but have seen it with sticks and straw as well.

Another commonly mentioned sign is deer. I don’t put too much stock into that since there are often deer in our neighborhood. However there has been a deer lately that has allowed us to get fairly close and the other day she was there with two babies. She has been hanging out in plain sight for quite a while lately and even when we get too close she doesn’t stray too far.

I have been seeking out grief books and blogs, especially ones written by bereaved parents. Most mention signs. They say to ask for signs. One mentioned to ask for crazy signs, things that are completely random, like she did with a purple elephant. And sure enough she got her sign. So I decided to try that. I asked for a purple elephant.

And there is my purple elephant. Spotted in a store in a part of town I almost never visit. I’m trying to keep an open mind. The other night we were outside on our deck and had a lit candle on the table. The flame grew quite bright several times. I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. I said maybe it’s Ariella saying hello. And after that it didn’t happen again even though we were out there a while longer. Maybe she was trying to make her presence known and once it was acknowledged she knew she could stop. We will never know. Well maybe we will one day? I still see 11:11 and the number 11 quite a bit. I had lunch with a friend the other day and I looked at the total on the register and it was $11.11. I see big yellow butterflies all over but it’s summer and butterflies are common. Not sure if that’s a sign. I did ask for a blue butterfly which I see less frequently, and one flew quite close to me and landed on a nearby bush with its wings spread so I could clearly see the blue. The next day one appeared on a TV show I was watching. Ariella really liked the song High Hopes and I hear it most days in my car. I first started thinking of that song as a sign when I heard it multiple times a day soon after she died and quite often when I had been going to or leaving the cemetery. And I heard it the other day at the baseball game. I don’t think I have ever seen a hummingbird up close in person. Last night when I opened the front door there was one just hanging out there, looking toward the house. I didn’t even realize what it was at first and once I noticed it, it flew away. Signs or coincidences? Not sure that we’ll ever know but I will keep asking for random signs and see what happens.

Seeing what may be signs does not make it any easier to live without Ariella. I like the idea that she is still around but that does not change the fact that her physical presence is missing. She is not here to hug and kiss and nurture. She will never grow up, never have all of the opportunities of which she dreamed. There are so, so many things I will never get to do with her and nothing will change that. If the signs are real what they do is reassure me that Ariella’s eleven short years were not it for her. Because it is impossible to come to terms with the fact that Ariella or any child that dies only gets to have such a short amount of time and that’s it for them. Her work here wasn’t done, she was only just getting started. She had so much good left to do. Eleven years is not enough and maybe, just maybe, she’s able to continue doing her good wherever she is.

And of course if she is able to send signs then she has a cognizance of our world and knows that we need to hear from her. And that though she is physically gone she is spiritually still alive and that means one day we will be together again. I just wish that day would come much, much sooner rather than later.

I don’t know what it will take for me to truly be a believer. Just about any of the signs I have seen/mentioned can easily be explained away. But as I’ve said I am grasping at anything to keep me going.