My Story

When thinking of the story of my life I never thought this was how it would turn out. Sad and desolate, filled with heartache and anguish. Every sad story needs a hero but that is certainly not me. I am no hero and nor do I wish to be one. I can barely save myself much less help others. I am angry that I couldn’t be the hero. That I couldn’t save my daughter. In a story about families the parents are supposed to be the heroes. They are supposed to save their children, protect them from harm. But no heroic action on my part could save Ariella. I could not when it was most necessary, fulfill my role as a mother.

My daughter is the real hero. She is light, she is grace, she is my savior. But she is no longer here. She is the hero that paid the ultimate sacrifice for the battle that she did not choose. It chose her. Her story defines my story, from the day she was born. I was no longer just a wife, just an occupational therapist, just whatever. I was a mom. My most important and meaningful role. My life and story was forever changed where I went from the main character to a supporting role. My daughter had, and still has, the leading role in the story of my life. Now more than ever since I feel her absence everywhere.

This story is no fairytale. It is a horror story with twists and turns and suspense. The nightmare began when Ariella was diagnosed and since that time there have been many plot twists with unexpected hospital stays, achieving remission, relapsing, setbacks, and progress. We never knew where the story would take us, what scans would show, what the next steps were, how it would end. I wish I could go back to not knowing how it would end. I wish it was one of those choose your adventure stories because any other ending has to be better than the ending we got.

But unfortunately for me my story did not end there. My life did; my meaning, my purpose, but physically, my story goes on. Collateral damage left in the wake of destruction. I am not the hero in this story. I am not doing anything heroic. I am not inspiring, the epitome of strength, someone to look up to. I breathe because it is an involuntary function. My heart beats, also against my will.

My story took a dark turn, led me into a black, twisty, labyrinth with no way out. The true heroes of my story are present. The ones who have been there, who are not scared, who don’t turn away from the demons haunting me. They try to lead me through the paths, to the light but no matter which direction I turn, I keep hitting dead ends. Sometimes I feel like I am making progress, finding my way through, the path ahead looks clear but then out of nowhere, a wall. A dead end. This wall, this barrier, doesn’t just stop me from moving forward, but actually pushes me back. I feel trapped, lost, confused, have no idea which way the path will take me. But after some time with my heroes present I pick myself up and try a new path. A new direction towards survival. And so I slowly start again. One foot in front of the other, slogging through the mud. Breath by breath, heartbeat by heartbeat. But then another wall, another obstacle, something else keeping me trapped in this maze. It is maddening. It is infuriating. And so incredibly frustrating. I feel so lost, so confused. Turned upside-down and inside-out. What’s up is down and what’s left is right. I don’t know which way to turn. And when I’m sure about the direction I choose, it turns out to be wrong. I’m beginning to think there is no right path. That there is no way out of this web. That I am doomed to spin in circles with no relief, no way back into the light.

I used to think we wrote our own stories. That our future was in our own hands. In a cruel twist of fate I learned that we really have no control over our destiny. How naive I was. It remains to be seen how my story continues and ultimately ends. I just wish it was sooner rather than later.

Two Worlds

All these words. These thoughts and feelings and emotions.  Words I have written over the past few months. Words that cannot begin to describe the anguish, heartache, and despair from which I am suffering.  Oh how I wish they were just words. I wish this was just a story I am telling. No one else’s story in particular because I would not wish this nightmare on anybody.  But just a work of fiction.  

Devastatingly this is no tale.  This is real life. My life. My life that feels surreal now.  This can’t be my life, can it? Parents don’t bury their children.  Children don’t die. But they do. They are not supposed to, but the harsh reality is that children die every day and parents grieve the loss for a lifetime.  

I feel like I am living in two separate realities.  There is the one, the horrific life in which my daughter is dead and she is all I think about, day and night.  I think about the memories we have made and the memories we never get to have. I think about her smile, her laugh, and her spirit and cry until there are no more tears left.  And there is the other life, still horrific, and my daughter is still dead and she is still all I think about. But in this life I have to go on living. Against my will I have to live life.  My heart continues to pump and my lungs continue to breathe. My body begs for food and water. The bills have to be paid. I must go to work. In a world where everything seems meaningless, where life seems to no longer have a purpose, I must “move on.”  

It is next to impossible to reconcile these two worlds.  How can I go anywhere, interact with anyone, converse, like everything is okay?  It is not okay. None of this is okay. And yet I am forced to live like it is. No matter where I am, who I am with, what I am doing, this refrain is repeating over and over in my head.  Ariella is dead. Ariella is dead. None of this matters because she is dead. People who don’t know me, who don’t know I once had a daughter and now I do not, cannot begin to guess the turmoil brewing in me.  I live in two worlds. One an unspeakable nightmare and the other an unspeakable nightmare in which I pretend it isnt.  

This life of mine feels like an illusion. Or an alternate reality.  Going about normal business, making conversation, even getting dressed each day just feels wrong. How can I do normal things when life is anything but?  How do I find it in me to care about anything anymore? On the outside I look like any person living life but on the inside the heartache and sadness and anger are bubbling inside me, threatening to boil over at any time, scalding me in the process.  

I cannot begin to guess how my story will continue to unfold.  I do know that sorrow, pain, and anguish will be a consistent theme.  I viewed Ariella’s battle with cancer in chapters, because with cancer there is no end until you reach to reach the ultimate end.  The first chapter was her first line of treatment. Second chapter was off treatment and third chapter began with her relapse and ended with her death. My story is broken up into two chapters.  Before she died and after. This second chapter will cover the rest of my lifetime. When the world dropped out from under me, when everything changed, when life can no longer be carefree and just happy.  No matter what happens in the future chapter 2 will be imbued with sadness and longing.