Just a Short Update

I don’t write as frequently as I once did. But I wanted to just provide an update as to how I’m doing. As most know, from now until May is a difficult time. I’m staying away from Facebook memories and I’ll be honest, I’m not doing too great. I’m anxious and jittery and can’t remember the last time I slept through the night. I’m pretty much shaking and nauseas all day long and I haven’t been able to eat much. I appreciate the check-ins I’ve received and I’m sorry if I haven’t replied. Ultimately I know I will be okay but I am definitely struggling at the moment. Thank you to everyone who has been there for me and know that I’m not ignoring you, that sometimes I just need the space.

2 Replies to “Just a Short Update”

  1. I try to ignore and go right past the memories on FaceBook. They just hurt too much and when I see them it’s hard to shake for the remainder of the day. I wish more of my memories were of the “good” things but I am always thinking of how Ariella went through so many painful things and how much I think she should be here. I just miss her so much and want her back (as impossible as I know that is). Coming up on the five-year milestone is also unbelievable to me that she’s been gone so long, she’s always right there in my thoughts. I wish I could help you but know that I can’t other than to say I’m here for whatever and whenever. The family and I will all keep inviting you to everything and understand completely when you don’t want to accept. I love you.

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