For those that may not know, I’ll give a little history about Ari’s Bears. When Ariella was in treatment initially she received all sorts of packages and goodies from various organizations. The gifts she received helped her get through the tough days. She was particularly inspired by Jessie Rees, a girl who had DIPG, but still wanted to help other children fighting cancer. She did so by creating Joy Jars that were stuffed with various toys and things such as earbuds and socks and all sorts of fun items. Ariella looked forward to receiving her Joy Jars and decided she also wanted to make sick children feel better. She had the idea to go to Build a Bear, make bears, and deliver them to children in the hospital. Instead of birthday or Chanukah gifts she asked for gift cards to Build a Bear. She earned points for tough treatments in the hospital and redeemed those points for Build a Bear gift cards to make bears for other children, instead of getting something for herself.
We started small, just by bringing bears to her clinic appoints and hospital stays. But Ariella really wanted the foundation to grow so we became a Founding Hope Fund under the American Childhood Cancer Organization. Ariella hand delivered bears to 8 local hospitals and respite houses and mailed many out of state. It was so great to see the joy she got by making the other children happy. Even when she was inpatient in the hospital she brought bears to distribute. And every weekend she wanted to go to Build a Bear to make more bears. She loved bringing friends along and we especially had fun dressing them and picking out cute accessories.
When Ariella died we knew we had to continue with Ari’s Bears, as hard as it may be for us. Ari’s Bears is her legacy, it’s what she will be remembered for, her impact on others. And it is hard to continue with Ari’s Bears, but it would be impossible not to continue. We are growing, and in the process of filing paperwork to form our own non-profit rather than stay under the umbrella of the American Childhood Organization. It’s heartbreaking that Ariella is not alive to realize her dream of having Ari’s Bears in several states. It’s devastating that she will never fully realize the impact she had on people. It feels wrong to do Ari’s Bears without her but I know she would be angry if we didn’t. And again, it was her passion, her idea, and we need to be sure her legacy lives on.
Today I went with a friend and some girls to the hospital where Ariella was initially treated, to distribute bears. I thought it would be impossible to step through those doors, but it was okay. Though Ariella had some rough times in that hospital, we always knew there was an end in sight. And she actually had some enjoyable times as well. Even going in the playroom was okay. She had a lot of good moments there, playing foosball, watching movies, doing crafts, playing games, and chilling on the waterbed. We spent so much time in the hospital that we got used to it, it felt comfortable, and we managed to make the best of a bad situation. But being there giving out bears without her, that was hard. She should have been there, setting up the bears just so (she was very particular about how she set them up). She should have been there, sharing her story, instead of me. She should have been there, challenging me to a game of foosball while we were there. Being there, without her, was so incredibly difficult. Only made up for by the joy we brought to the children.
It never ceases to amaze me how long it takes to get into shape, and how quickly we fall out of shape. I used to exercise daily either by running or going to the gym. I used to love running and was actually pretty fast. I hadn’t exercised since Ariella was in the PICU. Even though I was home some nights and still working part time I was too exhausted to drag myself out of bed to get to the gym before work. You see, nights in the hospital were not conducive to sleep. Nights were fraught with beeps and alarms, vital signs and transfusions. Some nights the lights had to be kept on and doctors were in and out throughout. So even though I did actually get fairly good sleep at home it was not enough to make up for the lack of sleep when in the hospital. After Ariella died I wasn’t motivated at all to do anything, much less exercise. I honestly didn’t care about taking care of myself. What was the point? Nothing mattered.
I finally decided that it was time to do something. Even though I don’t much care right now about my health I realized down the road I just might and would regret not taking care of myself earlier on. So a couple weeks ago I forced myself to go to the gym. Not necessarily on a regular basis but to try to get back into a routine. The gym is actually one of my safe places. I don’t know many people there and those I do know, know my situation and will ask how I’m doing but stop there unless I pursue it further. I’ve been doing some classes at the gym and it’s actually quite therapeutic. It’s an hour or so of distraction from reality. And it also helps to kill time. By the time I roll out of bed and get myself together, take our dog for a long walk and then go to the gym, I’ve managed to get through half a day. I’ve been running twice. I am nowhere near where I was when I was running on a regular basis. I think part of that is because I hadn’t exercised in a while, but I’ve also noticed that since Ariella died my heart rate and respiratory rate are higher. And sometimes I find it hard to breathe. Stress and grief impact your physical condition and that combined with an increased heart rate from exercise makes it quite difficult. But again it’s therapeutic. So I will keep trying.
Though it helps to have the structure and routine and to get out of the house for a bit so I’m not lying on the couch all day staring at the walls, it also saps my energy and at times makes me panicky. There comes a point anytime I’m out that all of a sudden, I’ve had enough. I need to be home. I’m careful about what I agree to do because I need to make sure I have an escape if I need one. I’m worried about going back to work because of this. On the one hand it will be good to be able to fill my days but on the other hand I’m terrified that I will breakdown and not be effective at my job. I have a very hard time concentrating on anything and I can only hope that work helps channel my attention into the job so I’m not so distracted by life.
Ariella always loved the 4th of July. We spent several of them at the beach which she really loved, but we also enjoyed the 4th when we were home. Barbecues and fireworks with friends would be a typical 4th at home. She loved sparklers and poppers. Really she loved anything that made a lot of noise. She certainly was loud!
Two years ago July 4th was spent in the hospital. Ariella did not let that stop her from being festive. A friend brought us burgers and Ariella had a great time making fireworks decorations for her room. She had a chest tube at that time because of the 2nd pneumothorax but that did not stop her from getting to see fireworks. Nurses arranged it so that we were able to watch the fireworks from the helipad. It was definitely a neat experience. One that at the time I would have rather not had (because we had been in the hospital for quite a while by this point and who wants to spend any holiday in the hospital) but I would give anything to be back there. Because though she had cancer she was alive and we were optimistic that she would be ok in the long run.
David and I spent the 4th with some friends. It was bittersweet. Ariella should have been there. We are friends with the 3 families we spent the day with because of Ariella. Ariella danced with their children. Friendships made because of Ariella will be tricky to navigate. Because I have to watch their children do all the things Ariella should be doing. Many friendships were made because of our roles as dance moms. I am no longer a part of that world. Some friendships with the dance moms are stronger than others but I don’t want to lose the connections I made. And yet. As the kids continue with their dance and the next dance season starts I worry it will be too hard to see those moms. Because their kids get to move on, grow up, enjoy their passion for dance. So much of the time spent with the moms was at the studio or competitions. I don’t get to do that anymore.
Some of Ariella’s friends have been texting me, to check in and tell me about their days. I love hearing from them. I want to watch them grow up, celebrate their achievements and milestones with them, and basically just live vicariously through them. But that is also bittersweet. But I think maintaining a connection with her friends helps me forge a different connection with Ariella. Because she was different as a friend than as a daughter. So it’s worth it.
That all said, I truly do want to hear about friends’ children. Just know that sometimes it may be too hard.
July is sarcoma awareness month. In honor of that I am going to share some facts and share Ariella’s story for those who have only gotten to know her in the past several months.
From the Sarcoma Alliance: What is Sarcoma? Cancerous (malignant) tumors of the connective tissues are called “sarcomas”. The term sarcoma comes from a Greek word meaning fleshy growth. Sarcoma arises in the connective tissue of the body. Normal connective tissue include, fat, blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, deep skin tissues, and cartilage. Sarcomas are divided into two main groups, bone sarcomas and soft tissue sarcomas. They are further sub-classified based on the type of presumed cell of origin found in the tumor. They all share certain microscopic characteristics and have similar symptoms. Sarcomas can develop in children and adults. For children under 20 approximately 15 percent of cancer diagnosis are sarcomas. Although rare, there are approximately 15,000 new cases of sarcoma diagnosed each year in the United States. In general sarcomas are divided into the large groups: soft tissue sarcomas, and bone sarcomas.
Ariella had Ewing’s Sarcoma (from Stanford Health Care website) What causes Ewing sarcoma? The majority of Ewing’s sarcomas result from a chromosome rearrangement between chromosomes #11 and #22. This rearrangement changes the position and function of genes, causing a fusion of genes referred to as a fusion transcript. Over 90% of individuals have an abnormal fusion transcript, involving two genes known as EWS and FLI1. This important discovery has led to improvements in diagnosing Ewing’s sarcoma. Similar to osteogenic sarcoma, trauma or injury is sometimes involved with the site at the time of diagnosis. However, this trauma is thought to bring the condition to attention rather than to have any causal relationship. Some doctors classify Ewing’s sarcoma as a primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET). This means the tumor may have started in fetal, or embryonic, tissue that has developed into nerve tissue.
Ariella began complaining of pain in her right leg in September 2016. However this was following an injury, she had accidentally gotten hit by a chair in school. Ariella was a dancer and she pretty much only complained of the leg pain at that time after she had been dancing. We did have it x-rayed which didn’t show anything and we were advised to have her rest the leg for an extended period of time so it could heal. Since the pain did get better with rest we just figured it was injured further with dancing and didn’t think anything of it. At the same time, Ariella had lost an alarming amount of weight which we were working with her pediatrician to figure out. As part of diagnosing the cause of the weight loss blood work was done. Blood work came back normal. Sarcomas cannot be detected in the blood. We did not at all connect the leg pain to her weight loss. Her pediatrician was unaware of her leg pain since it came and went, not sure if he would have made the connection or not. Rest seemed to help so she continued dancing but by the end of January the pain was constant, not just when she used her leg. It was also red and swollen. She saw an orthopedist who was concerned with what he saw on the x-ray and sent us next door to his office for an MRI. Not 20 minutes after the MRI I received a phone call that she had a tumor, it looks malignant, and a referral to the orthopedic oncologist. We saw the oncologist the next day, January 27, 2017 and had more tests and scans. She went in for a biopsy Monday January 30, 2017.
I actually don’t remember the exact day we had the official confirmation of cancer but it took several weeks after that to determine that it was Ewing’s Sarcoma. Here we are, anxious and wanting to start treatment immediately but had to wait for the type of cancer because all cancers are treated differently. February 27, 2017 we got confirmation. Luckily the cancer was localized to her right tibia. We then had to meet with the pediatric oncologist who would detail the treatment plan.
Ariella began her treatment in March, 2017. It started with placing a Hickman Catheter, which ended up causing a pneumothorax requiring a chest tube. This delayed treatment further as it took a good 5 days at least for the pneumo to heal and the chest tube to be removed. Then finally, treatment started.
Ariella endured 17 rounds of chemo which required her to be inpatient every other week in the hospital for at least 2 or 5 nights. She pretty much had every side effect you could have; hair loss, nausea, fatigue, neuropathy, etc. She had fevers several times requiring ER visits and an infection that required her Hickman to be removed and replaced, causing another pneumo requiring another chest tube. However when she was not in the hospital you would never know she was sick. She continued going to the dance studio (even though she couldn’t dance), spending time with friends, and having sleepovers.
After the 6th round of chemo the chemo was paused so Ariella could have her limb salvage surgery to remove the tumor. Rather than using an implant the doctors decided to place an external fixator to allow Ariella to regrow her own bone.
Ariella had the fixator for 51 weeks but eventually learned to walk without crutches and even dance in her recital.
Ariella rang the end of treatment bell December 28, 2017. She had her Hickman removed January 2, 2018 and returned to school that same week. The kid was amazing. She jumped back into her life like nothing happened. We were relieved when her first set of routine scans came back clear and devastated when the second set of scans June 1, 2018 did not. This time the cancer came back in her lungs, acetabulum, and sacrum. Ariella did have her fixator removed the following week.
This time Ariella had a port placed instead of a Hickman, which allowed her to have a decent summer. Treatment was outpatient and we were still able to go on our planned trips to Disney World, LA, and Ocean City. Ariella even went to school when on this chemo. She went through 2 different chemo regimens which were not working and finally went on an oral pill. She also had radiation to all the various spots. The pill and radiation were what got her stable, showing no evidence of active disease. We got this great news on January 25, 2019 and we began preparing for bone marrow transplant. The hope was that her new bone marrow would kill any residual cancer cells.
Ariella was admitted to the hospital on February 18, 2019 for pre-transplant radiation and chemo. The transplant was on February 26, 2019 with her father as her donor. Though she didn’t feel well after her transplant things were going well, until they weren’t. On March 7, 2019 she was transferred to the PICU. She had strep pneumonia and also the flu. She was septic with a low blood pressure (the reason she was transferred) and requiring oxygen. She began to show improvements, weaning down on the oxygen but then had nosebleeds and began to require more oxygen support requiring intubation on March 15, 2019. I’m not going to go into all the ICU details and complications, but just say that we were so hopeful because she would show improvements. But then she would have a setback. This was the pattern for her entire ICU stay. Until finally she couldn’t recover from her setbacks. Ultimately she died on May 9, 2019 from respiratory failure and kidney failure.
If you want to read Ariella’s story from the very beginning you can at This will take you from diagnosis through ringing the bell at end of treatment. Ariella wanted to be able to share her own pictures and updates so we started near the end of her first round of treatment in November 2017. You can see the rest of her story there.
Just a note, after I finished writing I realized it may be too graphic for some to read. I didn’t go into much depth but I talk about images of Ariella in the ICU. If that’s too much for you I advise you to skip to the last paragraph.
Sleep. Sleep continues to be elusive. Once I fell asleep last night I mostly stayed asleep but it took a very long time for me to fall asleep and I was up early. I have a reel of images running through my head and I can’t turn them off. These images mostly attack at night, though I do get flashbacks of them throughout the day. All images of Ariella in the PICU. Shattering images of her scared eyes when they were prepping to intubate her. Crushing images of her with her sad eyes and miming that she wanted to drink. Devastating images of her writing on her white board “What if I die?” and “I want to die. This is horrible. I might as well be dead.” Asking “am I getting worse?” Heartbreaking images of Ariella on her side when they were cleaning her, in obvious discomfort and a tear dropping from her eye. Distressing images of Ariella practically lifeless in bed, barely opening an eye even when being poked and prodded and moved around. These images do not leave me. I feel such anguish that this is how she spent the last two months of her life, mostly awake and aware. She wasn’t in pain but she was extremely uncomfortable and miserable.
Also very sad to remember are the few positive moments we had in the ICU because at the time, they were positive. Ariella being so excited for a taste of popsicle and Rita’s that she wanted me to tell everyone about it. Ariella being so excited for her tracheostomy surgery because it would mean the tube would be out of her mouth and she would be able to drink and talk. That was another milestone she wanted me to share with everyone because she was so happy about it. When Ariella woke up after her surgery she gave me a big smile when she realized the tube was out. We all thought that was going to be the turning point to get her out of the ICU. We had talked about what Ariella should get following her hospital stay as she deserved something big. And she said, well wrote, “how about new shoes?” All the hell she went through and was going through and she asked for shoes. Broke my heart. The last thing she had looked forward to was finally getting water. She was able to get just 5mL at a time about 3 times a day to start but boy was she happy to get just that. That’s how horrific it all was, that drops of water and tastes of a popsicle could bring that much joy. She had everything all planned out once she got out of the ICU. A big glass of water in the purple cup she won playing bingo, milk, Rita’s, and a shower. And then a big steak dinner when she finally got out of the hospital. None of those dreams were realized. She was on the schedule to have a swallow study completed but it never happened because she took a turn for the worse. After that she never fully recovered. The only comfort I take from this is that she was sedated near the end so no longer uncomfortable and scared.
To contradict myself now, I am glad Ariella was sedated for her sake but I regret not having the death talk with her. When she asked earlier in her stay “what if I die?” everyone thought she would recover and come off the vent, her lungs just needed more time. We did not promise her she wouldn’t die but we did say the doctors were doing everything they could to prevent that. When it became apparent that there was a good chance Ariella wasn’t coming home with us she was mostly sleeping so we never got to talk to her about how she was feeling about dying. By then was she scared to die? Or was she ready to die? What did she think would happen once she died? Where did she think she would go? What, if anything was she worried about? We have talked about death before and what happens after someone dies and Ariella believed in Heaven so I just hope with all my being that by then she was no longer scared to die and was ready to go. Because it kills me to think she might have been scared about dying near the end but didn’t tell us.
I started this post about sleep. This lack of sleep along with the grief is leaving me in what I would call a fog. Concentrating on anything for longer than a few minutes is impossible. I get distracted so easily but usually not by anything, I just end up staring into space. I am extremely forgetful and am having trouble just getting through routine tasks from start to finish. I find myself frequently losing my train of thought when in conversation. I wasn’t going to write today but I know if I don’t have something to do I will fall asleep and I am worried that a nap will make it even harder for me to sleep tonight. But maybe I should take sleep when I can.
Have turned the calendar twice now since Ariella died. Almost 2 months without her. Every turn of the page takes me further from her. On the other hand, I wish I could just keep flipping and flipping and flipping the pages to make time speed up. But it’s just the opposite. The days drag and sleep is barely an escape because sleep is elusive. Most minutes of most days are torture and I’m wondering once again how I am actually going to survive the rest of my life without my daughter in it. The okay day Saturday now feels so far away, just 2 days ago.
I can’t even explain what makes one day harder than another. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason. It’s just what I’m feeling at any given time. I will say that today I was triggered by a Facebook memory of Ariella and my father together at a baseball game. They are both gone now and I was so close to both of them. Ariella and my father very close as well. She was devastated when he passed in 2016. The picture was from 2012 so she was 4 1/2. Their birthdays are 1 day apart and were always celebrated together. I think they have a special connection. He died in February 2016 and she was diagnosed in February 2017. She had her bone marrow transplant in February 2019, one day after the 3rd anniversary of his death. I took that as a good sign, that maybe February would finally be associated with good. But nope February sucks. Now they are just 1 grave site apart.
I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook memories. I do like reminiscing but they make me so sad that we won’t get to make more memories. Facebook itself is a trigger. I actually don’t do much on Facebook but post my updates, check in on my bereavement groups, and check on the cancer families I have gotten to know so well. The rest is just too hard to look at. I may start scrolling but it’s all happy families, family vacations, Ariella’s friends doing things without her. It’s too painful to see what Ariella should be doing and what we should be doing as a family but can do no longer. We know our family and friends and Ariella’s friends are sad and miss Ariella, but it doesn’t consume them and it shouldn’t consume them. But I can’t lie, it is painful to see everyone else going on happily living their lives when we are stuck in the depths of despair.
Summer is a trigger. Not my favorite season but my favorite time of year usually. I haven’t worked the past 3 summers so got to do many mother daughter activities. Not so much in 2017 because Ariella was in the hospital much of that summer but even though she was in treatment 2018 we got to enjoy that summer the 2 of us and as a family. But generally during summers we would go to New York (started that tradition when she was 5 years old) and see shows on Broadway and take at least one other day trip. At least one family vacation every summer. Long days at the pool with evening swims. Hikes and finding waterfalls. Family bike rides. Parks and playgrounds. Snowballs and Rita’s. Strawberry and cherry picking. Going to baseball games and amusement parks. Ariella was fearless. The bigger, faster, and scarier the roller coaster, the better! Last summer as a family we went to Disney World through Make-a-Wish and Ocean City with Believe in Tomorrow. In addition to that Ariella and I went to LA for Dancers against Cancer. So much family stuff happens in the summer. I don’t have much to do this summer but haven’t even joined our pool (though I usually love the pool) because Ariella should be there with me, bugging me to watch this and throw this and play with me. Not sure I can go there without her. Not sure how I am going to survive this summer. I guess like everything else minute by minute, sometimes second by second. In no particular order by year here are some pictures from various summers.
One thing did make me smile today. Not one, but two of Ariella’s friends texted me today to see how I was and let me know they were thinking of us. They’ve reached out to me more than people I expected to and haven’t, and I am so grateful that Ariella had such good friends. I am grateful to her newer friends from 6th grade for welcoming her into a private school where the others mostly had been in school together since kindergarten. It didn’t take her long to have a good group of friends and they were amazingly supportive of Ariella during her treatment (she was in outpatient treatment during the entire time she was in 6th grade, all of 5 1/2 months) and when she was in the hospital. I am grateful to her dance friends as well for reminding her always that she was part of their family even when she wasn’t able to dance. I think many adults could learn a lot from Ariella’s friends.
From an okay day yesterday to today. Back to where I was. Hard to smile, hard to want to do things, hard to motivate. Which is fine. Which is where I still expected to be. I’m glad yesterday happened. Maybe it happened when it did to show me that it will one day be possible to experience that regularly even though I’m not there yet. Just to give some light in darkness. The thing is I feel more “right” today. Though yesterday felt okay it also felt “wrong” to feel that way. Not a guilt thing, I know Ariella would have wanted me to have fun. She always cared about how others were feeling, always wanted to make them feel better. Whenever I wasn’t feeling well at home even though it meant I wasn’t paying attention to her she always offered her special stuffed animal to me to make me feel better. She wanted everyone to be happy and well and I’m sure she’d still want that. But it just felt wrong that I could experience joy so soon after losing the most important part of me. How I’m feeling today, how I’ve been feeling, feels more right. I don’t want to stay here but right now it’s where I am and I think where I need to be.
The good thing is that we had plans so I did get out today. We went to brunch at a friend’s house. Someone who also experienced child loss and had reached out to me many times (we have a lot of mutual friends, I did not know her prior to this) when Ariella was sick and after she died. I wasn’t ready to accept until now and I’m glad I did. David and I had a nice brunch with her and her husband and we talked about other things but mostly our kids. And it was good to talk to people that get it. However it is so wrong that instead of discussing school or the activities they do we were comparing hospital stays, funerals, and shiva. They are further out than we are from the loss but I would say it’s still pretty new for them as well. I hate that this was the reason we actually met this family because we will be friends from here on out, but I am glad that we met them when we needed.
While we were at our friends’ they mentioned they were going to game night with their daughter and a couple other families. Game night was my favorite night of the week with the 3 of us. Friday night was either game or movie night but I definitely preferred the games. We had so many games where we had to be silly or do funny things and they always made for a great night. Our only child died. So no more family game nights or movie nights. David and I have very different taste in movies, we always just watched what Ariella wanted to watch. Just one of the ways in which our world has been completely changed. Our family of 3 became a childless family of 2. Most of the week Ariella was either at the dance studio or doing homework, or not feeling great because of her treatments. And David and I may have had plans during the week as well. But almost every Friday night was spent with the 3 of us together. The house is completely different without a child in it. Our routines have completely changed and it is extremely unsettling. Not only are we missing our daughter immensely but also missing everything that went along with having a child, even the arguments and attitude. It’s so hard to figure out how to go on from here. I’m glad I was able to take off the last few weeks of work (I work in the school system so to go back with a few week left would have just caused more stress) but I will need to figure something out soon to get through the long summer days. To end on a smile here is just a sample of one of our game nights.
Today was an okay day. I can’t say good day because life at least right now is not good without Ariella in it. But I actually enjoyed myself today, for most of the day, even though I’m sad I can’t tell her about it.
Today good friends of ours held a golf tournament for us. Initially it was to be a fundraiser for our family to help with expenses with it looking like Ariella would be in the hospital for a while. Since she passed away we will be using the majority of the funds for Ari’s Bears. But anyway, I actually laughed quite a bit and smiled a lot at the tournament. Mostly due to trying to navigate the golf cart with my friend (neither of us golf, we were one of the beverage carts). I may have almost tipped us over twice. I’m sure Ariella was laughing. I know we were. But I did enjoy it. The joy came along with the sadness. The sadness didn’t go away, but I was able to carry both together. And it looked like we were in danger from storms for a bit, it even thundered around us and rained a bit, but it held off so the tournament was not interrupted. So it was okay.
I needed this day. This week that just passed has been just so hard, harder than after the initial days. I haven’t slept more than a few hours a night for the past 3 nights (and yes I have tried meds) and yesterday I felt very physically ill for most of the day. I wasn’t even sure I was going to make it to the tournament because I was so tired when I woke up this morning, but I’m glad I did.
I wrote this for 2 reasons. One, well because I’m blogging about this journey and thankfully I’m already finding it’s not without some enjoyment. But also because I know the dark days are not gone and I want to be able to look back at this and remember that despite the dark days there are some okay days and it’s knowing that those okay days will come again that will pull me through. And now I have written proof of it.
Everything is just so hard. I can’t even get my thoughts out right now. Maybe it’s the silence, though I have the TV on constantly for the noise. But that’s the wrong kind of noise. It still seems so quiet. I can’t escape my thoughts, running through my mind in a constant loop. The images change but they are all of Ariella, who she was, her life before and after cancer, the hospital, what might have been. Anytime it hits me that she’s gone forever I panic, I can’t catch my breath, I start shaking. This just can’t be, and yet it is and I have no choice but to live with it.
Ariella of course was our world but she is my world more now than ever. Before she ended up in the ICU, even after she had been diagnosed with cancer I was able to think about things besides her throughout the day. She didn’t consume my thoughts and emotions. Maybe as a baby but I also had my own life to think about, separate from her. Now I feel so intertwined because of her absence. Every single thing makes me think of her, whether it’s something she would like, something we did, or something she never got to do, anything, makes me feel her absence. Even mundane daily chores. One of her chores was to set and clear the table. I think of that every time we have a meal. Cooking. I can count on one hand the number of times I have cooked dinner since Ariella died (actually since mid-February when she went into the hospital) and cooking for 2 is not so different than cooking for 3 except that I don’t have Ariella asking “what’s for dinner?” and I don’t hear her complaining about homework or grumbling about setting the table while I’m cooking. So it is completely different. It’s like that with everything I do.
I’m having a hard time getting out my thoughts today. I’m having trouble concentrating. The emptiness, the silence, the stillness, her absence is ever present and it’s stifling.
There’s not a whole lot in my life that I regret. Even before Ariella was diagnosed with cancer we tried to live life to the fullest. We spent time together, went on vacations, played games, imaginary play (so much imaginary play which I did not enjoy but would give anything to have her begging to play with me now). Sure we were busy and had to do the regular day to day stuff but family and home always came before work for both David and me. So I can’t say that I regret not spending more time together or saying I love you more or giving hugs, or things like that because I always did. I have always known life can change in an instant from losing friends in high school and college and somewhat unexpectedly losing my dad (he had heart issues but I certainly didn’t expect him to die when he did). I never wanted to be the person who regretted missing time spent with loved ones. And I wanted to spend as much time with my girl as she would allow. I always used to joke with her that one day she wouldn’t want me always around, that she would get annoyed with all the hugs and kisses and not want to sit on my lap. She always disagreed, saying she would always want hugs and cuddles and to hold my hand, and it was true, even at 11 she often held my hand when we were out, she loved to cuddle together in bed, and had not reached the phase where she didn’t want to be seen with her parents. We certainly saw the pre-teen attitude and eye rolls but mostly Ariella liked having us around.
Once she was diagnosed of course we saw things differently. We always thought she would beat it but of course the thought was always there, what if she doesn’t survive? So we did even more. Gave her as many experiences as we could. Said yes to all the opportunities that came our way. We did not put her in a “bubble” in between rounds of chemo and instead let her go to the dance studio, have sleepovers, go to Build-a-Bear of course, and do all the things a 9, 10, 11 year old should do.
So no regrets with how we lived our lives and spent our time before and after cancer. But I do have a couple regrets and they are big ones. I regret not trying to cuddle more with Ariella when she was in the ICU. It was pretty challenging because of the vent and tubes and they said I could not lie in bed with her (I regret not fighting that too) but we both were aching to give each other hugs and just couldn’t. I regret not trying harder to give her physical comfort. I regret not trying harder to wake her to hear me when she was so sleepy but not yet under actual sedation so she could hear me tell her I love her and goodbye every time I left the room, especially to go home.
But the biggest regret, and I know I am going to get all sorts of arguments and comments about this, is choosing to do the bone marrow transplant. It was not guarantee of a cure, it is not standard treatment in sarcomas (it was a trial), and she was currently no evidence of active disease and having a good quality of life. Of course we don’t know if the meds she was on would have kept the cancer at bay but I am certain she would have lived longer and would have had a better quality of life. If she did decline due to cancer we would have actually been able to tell her goodbye, she could have told us her goodbyes, we could have gotten more hugs and kisses. She could have been made comfortable but maybe not as scared. Instead she had 2 of the crappiest months a child could have, only being able to communicate by writing, not being able to eat or drink, being uncomfortable with complication after complication, not being able to say goodbyes or know or be aware of the love that was surrounding her at the end. She was scared she was going to die. We never promised her she wouldn’t. But we redirected and instead just tried to reassure her that that the doctors were doing everything they could. While of course we were worried about the same thing. Cancer is traumatic. A dying child is traumatic. But there is so much more trauma with the way that Ariella died than I can ever put into words and I will never not regret doing the BMT and nothing anyone says will change my mind. The 3 of us walked into Hopkins together hopefully optimistic that the BMT would keep the cancer from coming back. But only 2 of us walked out. Wasn’t worth it. It’s this, this is what plagues me a good amount of the time. The actual medical and emotional trauma Ariella went through and that we went trough watching it. The not only not being able to help or comfort your child but feel like you’re the reason she’s in the pain and discomfort. I know we made the best decisions we could at the time given the information we had and we thought we were acting in the best interest of Ariella and everything else everyone is going to say about blaming ourselves. Intellectually I know it. But the regret will always be there.
As I said at the start, I don’t have a lot of regrets. But I can’t let go of the one I do have. And I’m sure I never will.