Be Fucking Merry

There are a lot of demands this time of year. Go shopping. Hit the sales. Buy gifts. Be merry. There are also a lot of complaints this time of year. Complaining about the chaos. Complaining about the money. Complaining about family obligations. The focus seems to be on what has to be done, rather than on what’s most important about the holidays; being with friends and family. What gets me though, is that people bring this on themselves. It’s not necessary to go all out. It’s not necessary to spend a fortune. Most of what is complained about is not necessary to have a meaningful holiday. And hearing the complaints now make me want to scream. I want to yell at the top of my lungs that none of it matters if you have your family with you. Because it doesn’t matter. Please, don’t lose sight of what is important. Because there are many people who would trade places with you in a second. There are family members missing from the dinner table. There are fewer presents to be bought. One less person to help decorate. Everything can change in an instant. Why spend precious time on things that don’t really matter? On things that aren’t bringing you joy but rather annoyance and frustration? When in the end it’s not what you have, but who you are with that matters.

I always loved this time of year. I enjoyed the festiveness. I liked shopping, trying to find that perfect gift. I would get so excited for Ariella to open her gifts, one small gift for each night of Chanukah with a bigger gift the last night. She appreciated everything she got, no matter how small or inexpensive. She was easy and fun to shop for.

So many traditions surround the holidays. We always made latkes and chicken noodle soup one night of Chanukah, both from scratch. We would drive around the see the light displays. Go to the train gardens. See the Nutcracker. After Thanksgiving Ariella would help decorate my aunt’s Christmas tree and set up the Christmas village. She would decorate cookies with her cousins. Though we are Jewish we have family that is not. We spent Christmas Eve with one side of the family and Christmas Day with another. New Year’s was spent with our neighbors and their daughters, last year adding a bunch of Ariella’s friends into the mix. There was always tons of food, sparkling cider for the kiddos, and then Ariella and I trying to make it to midnight. She made it twice. It was always a very busy time of year but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I enjoyed the busyness. I looked forward to all the family time. We had a lot of fun.

Now all the traditions mean nothing. Ariella is not here to share in them anymore and I want nothing to do with them. Holidays are about family and my family has been torn apart, with the most important person gone. I don’t care about any of it and plan on ignoring all of it, including my birthday, over the next few weeks. I won’t be buying gifts for anybody. How can I shop for others when all I want more than anything is to be able to shop for Ariella. I don’t want to acknowledge any of it. Without Ariella the holidays mean nothing.

It is really hard to be anywhere this time of year, surrounded by reminders of the holidays everywhere. I had to run into a store the other day and I barely made it. Walking past the holiday displays. All the small gifts items that Ariella would love. The clothes she would ask for. Hearing the Christmas music. The holidays are the topic of conversation this time of year. I don’t want to be around happy, merry people who are excited for the upcoming weeks. I can’t relate anymore. I don’t want to be merry. I don’t want to partake in any of it. I don’t even want to hear about it.

Every day it’s a new obstacle. I’m constantly walking through a minefield and this time of year there are land mines everywhere, on top of the constant grief. No place is safe and I just want to curl up under the blankets and not emerge until January. Honestly, I would rather never emerge. I would prefer to go to sleep and not wake up. But against my will I keep on living.

3 Replies to “Be Fucking Merry”

  1. I’ve gone through the same as you. It’s been a few years and my son was a little older, but death of a child is the same heart wrenching pain. It is a pain that cannot be described to someone that is not walking in our shoes. I’ve lost many non sympathetic friends the first year…they don’t get it. I read your notes and I feel your pain….wanting to hide under the covers forever. January will be here soon, without the f******* merry songs on every station, or on Netflix, all the merry movies will disappear…….I feel your pain and followed your journey on FB with Ariella…..heartbroken…

  2. Those are all my thoughts exactly – I just wish this holiday season was over with. It’s hard to do anything that involves getting out of the house. I miss my family as it was, so much.

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